Kat Funk

Kat Funk's Fundraiser

Live Full and Free! image

Live Full and Free!

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$0 towards $1,000

I was diagnosed with breast cancer from my first ever mammogram in 2022. It was shocking; how could this happen? I know we all go through that phase with a diagnosis. It was treated aggressively with surgery, chemo, and radiation. I still get hormone blocking shots. When I was finished with chemo, I couldn't believe the relief I felt, and more importantly, the urge to live intentionally. I felt free and full of life, ready to take on the challenge. I hope to raise awareness that it can happen to anyone, and to help those that need help with this donation.

Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Good care for this diagnosis should not be difficult or unattainable. Everyone needs and deserves great care. That is what this foundation's mission is.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for the Carey Foundation.