Linda Carey

Linda Carey's Fundraiser

Please help those living with a breast cancer diagnosis. Your donation help with a ride to chemo, food in the fridge, a mortgage paymen. All the stuff that cancer doesn't care about.  image

Please help those living with a breast cancer diagnosis. Your donation help with a ride to chemo, food in the fridge, a mortgage paymen. All the stuff that cancer doesn't care about.

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$2,245 towards $2,500

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, Bob and I had just moved to Brooklyn, NY. We are self-employed, and at that moment, were looking for clients to build our business. I need to stress the 'still" as in we needed work, right now. Eight months later I was diagnosed with an agressive form of breast cancer. Hearing this news and after our initial freak out, which was laced with extreme panic, we stopped and asked ourselves, "what are we going to do and where do we start"? The "what are we going to do?" covered not just the financial aspects but learning the language of cancer, filling out multitudes of paperwork and searching for a top surgeon and oncologist in a city where we knew a handful of people.

We were fortunate. We have large, loving family and a supportive group of friends, all of which opened their heart and arms. What if a person doesn't have that support? What does someone do when faced with a diagnosis of cancer? Alone. No insurance. No support network. Where do they find the assistance they need? Who helps them in their moment of panic?

Last year we donated $100,000 to the breast cancer community, finding like-minded organizations to help with the answers. This year's campaign will enable us to continue. Please consider donating to my campaign; you are ARE making a difference.

From my heart, I thank you.
